Brain Mentors
Member since: May 12, 2020
Published articles: 5

When it comes to text processing or when you send or receive some sort of data in any text format whether it is a mail or a message or anything else then just think about it that how you are going to...

Leaders in an array is an easy problem of arrays from Data Structures and Algorithms. Leaders in the array mean that element is greater than all its right side elements of the array.So there are two...

Swapping of two numbersIn any of the programming like C or C++, you might have learned about swapping of two numbers with and without 3rd variable. Let’s see in python :Output :Pattern Program using a...

Single Number is a problem statement that is based on arrays from Data Structures and Algorithms. In this problem, we can find the single number that occurs an odd number of times in the given...

Steps Involved in Web CrawlingTo perform this tutorial step-by-step with me, you’ll need Python3 already configured on your local development machine. You can set up everything you need before-hand...
Author Bio
Brain Mentors Pvt. Ltd. started with a mission to link the IT industry and educational institutions. We aim to transform our every student into an IT professional who is ready to be employed in the industry.