Krishna Ngo
Member since: May 15, 2020
Published articles: 39

To grow and develop to their greatest potential, children require proper nutrition at appropriate times. Early-life poor diets can result in vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin A...

In India, the average number of people filing for income tax returns is around 5-crore. In a population of 130 crore, the end of the financial year has millions of people thronging the office doors of...

India has a significant opportunity to socially and economically improve through the education of girls. By contributing in the home and at work, educated girls are the weapons that produce...

Memories make a loved one eternal. By recollecting past situations, one can travel back in time and relive those moments. As George W. Douglas rightly said, "Each happiness of yesterday is a memory...

Mid-Day Meal Programme has been one of the most crucial and impactful initiatives in the education sector. The main objective of this programme is to feed the children with nutritious meals, improve...

A key factor in securing higher-paying employment is education. Education allows children to communicate clearly, encourages gender equality and contributes to the development of a society that...

Giving is satisfying!Additionally, all of your kindness results in additional tax savings for you.How? On donations made to designated funds and charitable organisations, the Indian government permits...

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is the world’s largest feeding programme with a feeding number of 120,000,000 children in over 1,265,000 schools. Despite the number of children that go to school, the United...

The midday meal scheme is one of the most potential interventions of the Government of India to support education of children belonging to socio-economically challenging backgrounds. Through this...

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."Henry Ford It also defines the idea of fundraising in a sentence. Everyone wants to do good in this world. But we often stop...

: Have you ever thought, how would it be to uphold hopes and give wings to lakhs of aspirations, every single day? Well, The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO in India has been doing this for the past...

Mid-day meals are a source of regular meals for children studying in Government and Government-aided schools. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is recognised as the world’s largest NGO-run school meal...

According to a study by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in the United States, India has both "the biggest number of undernourished children as well as the world's largest...

It is almost lunch break and children at XXX school try to read the menu written on the white board kept at a distance. "Anna, sambar and mixed palya (rice, sambar and mixed vegetables)," says the...

National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education commonly known as PM-POSHAN (formerly called the Mid Day Meal Programme) is a centrally sponsored scheme that was launched in the year...
Author Bio
The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an Indian Ngo implementing the Mid-Day Meal Programme. Your support to Akshaya Patra can potentially improve lives of millions of children across India and also avail you tax exemption.