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Girish Shahri

Member since: Jun 01, 2020
Published articles: 32

Microsoft Azure Peering—an Essential Guide for Seamless Cloud Integration

Businesses are shifting more and more to cloud-based solutions like Microsoft Azure in today's digital environment. There are many benefits to this change, such as increased security...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Mar 25, 2024
Mumbai's Peering Hub: a Gateway to the Global Digital Economy

In recent years, Mumbai has emerged as a pivotal player in the global digital landscape, solidifying its position as a peering hub that powers the digital world. The city's strategic location, coupled...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Feb 01, 2024
Navigating Tomorrow's Internet: the Evolution of Interdomain Routing and Bgp Route Servers

The internet landscape is growing daily; amongst this, the backbone of connectivity lies within the intricate web of interdomain routing protocols. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) has long been the...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Dec 24, 2023
Peering Strategies for Content Providers: Optimizing Content Delivery in India

With the changing algorithms, content providers are constantly striving to deliver high-quality content to their users, and one crucial aspect of this endeavor is optimizing content delivery. In a...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Nov 05, 2023
Private Interconnect Services in India

What is a Route Server, and Why Should I Care?The route server peering process is very similar to the Internet Exchange (IX) peering process in that both Route Servers and IXs offer Private Peering...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Oct 28, 2021
Private Interconnect Services: Bridging the Gap Between Cloud and on-Premises Infrastructure

In today’s fast-paced digital space, organizations constantly seek ways to optimize their IT infrastructure. As enterprises increasingly adopt a hybrid approach that combines cloud and local...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Sep 25, 2023
Public Peering Vs Private Peering: Know the Difference

Slow and pricey internet is no longer acceptable in a world where reliable connectivity is essential for efficient and effective corporate operations. One strategy to deal with this is peering...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Feb 25, 2023
Rapidly Increasing Ix Services in Mumbai

Mumbai is one of the biggest cities in India, with a population of around 18.4 million. The city is also the financial capital of India. Media and internet organisations contributed around $400...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Jun 06, 2021
Simplifying Network Administration: Bgp Route Servers' Function in the Internet Ecosystem

The intricate dance of information exchange is what keeps the internet alive. In order to get to their destinations, data packets must navigate a huge network of interconnected pathways and rely on...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Apr 22, 2024
Six Compelling Benefits of Internet Peering

How often do you think about your internet peering services? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think about them much unless something goes wrong. It’s easy to take internet peering...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Apr 01, 2022
The Crucial Role of Internet Exchange Points: Nurturing the Digital Network Ecosystem

The Internet, a vast network connecting the world, relies on critical junctions known as Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) to facilitate seamless data exchange. Within the expansive digital landscape...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Dec 28, 2023
The Emergence of Mumbai As a Global Peer Destination: Its Advanced Network Ecosystem

The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Behind the scenes, robust networks and data centers ensure that the online world works seamlessly. One city quickly gaining popularity in...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Oct 02, 2023
The Role of Public Route Servers in Cybersecurity

In the dynamic of cybersecurity, the importance of securing internet routing has become paramount. Route Servers based on BGP tech enhance Internet security.This article explores the significance of...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Jan 27, 2024
Unleashing the Internet's Potential: Peering Services and Internet Exchanges

Consider the internet as a vast freeway network. These data highways transport information from your smartphone to websites and applications globally. However, what occurs on these highways when...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Apr 20, 2024
Unplugging the Toll Booths: How Internet Exchange Routing Redefines Global Connectivity

Imagine the internet as a vast network of highways, connecting people and information across the globe. But instead of smooth, open roads, picture tollbooths at every border, slowing down traffic and...

Articles > Business & Careers > Business Services Feb 25, 2024
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Author Bio

DE-Cix India is India’s Largest Peering Hub, offering carrier and data-center neutral Internet Exchange Points in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata.