Venkat Gupta
Member since: Jul 10, 2020
Published articles: 3
Bayleaf OilOzone Naturals is a leading business house for manufacturing High Quality - High Value Ingredients. A reputed manufacturing organization with extensive experience in serving global markets...
Black Seed botanical name is "Nigella Sativa".Black Seed Oil derived from the Nigella sativa (black cumin) is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to south and southwest Asia...
Naturalich" a Latin derivative meaning "From Nature", as name suggest Naturalich deals in natural derived products. Naturalich Essential Oils and derived products have incredible benefits that can be...
Ozone Naturals is a leading business house for manufacturing High Quality - High Value Ingredients. A reputed manufacturing organization with extensive experience in serving global markets with a vast range of products & across different industries.