Krystal Beily
Member since: Dec 26, 2021
Published articles: 5
Unlike the development of most small or large molecules, which typically measures only one part or the metabolite for pharmacokinetic analysis, multiple parts of ADCs need to be measured to...
The extensive use of lead and its compounds in industrial production has resulted in severe lead contamination which is listed as one of the most concerning environmental problems. Owing to its broad...
From the early stage of strain cultivation to final commercial production, the fermentation production process will go through a complicated set of workflows that require constant optimization. BOC...
Lipid-based drug delivery systems (LBDDS) are innovated to address the challenges of poor bioavailability of drugs. As the key element in LBDDS, liposomes demonstrate significant biocompatibility and...
There are both large and small ADC molecules. A variety of biological analysis methods and platforms are needed to analyze the diversity of ADCs. Conventional LC-MS/MS small-molecule assays are often...
I am a big fan of biotech and have specialized in the related fields for years.