Parth Patel
Member since: Apr 08, 2022
Published articles: 2
How Can Nursing Homes Implement a Telemedicine Program to Help Seniors Receive Care at Any Time?
How Can Nursing Homes Implement a Telemedicine Program to Help Seniors Receive Care at Any Time? Telemedicine is a radical e-health tool, in today's COVID-19 self-distancing this technology has eased...
Articles > Technology & Science > Communication
Apr 11, 2022
Next-Gen Innovative Methods to Optimize the Oncology Cycle of Cancer Management
Next-gen innovative methods to optimize the oncology cycle of cancer managementKeypointsAdvance technologies and telemedicine.Noncommunicable diseases like cancer are a significant threat to global...
Articles > Health & Fitness > Cancer
May 29, 2022
Parth Patel has a passion for business and soon started working with Canadian entrepreneurs on a contract basis. He admires entrepreneurs, recognizes the need for innovation and welcomes change as an opportunity to do things differently.