Mahi Muqit
Member since: May 04, 2022
Published articles: 8
Ophthalmologists nowadays can treat patients with major eye conditions such as retinal refraction, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and more, by using a number of modern techniques and...
It isn’t uncommon for someone to search for a vitreoretinal surgeon near me. This information is useful because it helps them find a great provider not far from home. They don’t want a long drive to...
The condition of the floaters in your eye have progressed to the point where it is affecting your vision completely and you have decided it is finally enough. You have finally booked your floaters eye...
It is advisable to have your eyes checked annually once you reach the age of fifty and once every second year if you are younger. If you have an existing medical condition, such as diabetes, then you...
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been given the authority under the National Health Service Act 2006 to operate as a public benefit corporation. A board of directors, being accountable...
Securing the services of an incredible Ophthalmologist in London doesn’t have to be a difficult endeavour. Take your time to find someone with the right skills, dedication to helping patients, and...
A retina specialist is a highly skilled and trained physician and surgeon that focuses on helping patients with retinal conditions to help preserve or improve their vision. These are medical doctors...
If you are suffering from blurred vision or vision loss, then your GP or your regular eye doctor may recommend that you visit a retina surgeon. Ophthalmologists can diagnose, treat and prevent eye...
Retina Surgeon UK, is led by the celebrated Mahi Muqit PhD Frcophth, a Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Surgeon Researcher and Ucl Honorary Clinical Lecturer, providing patients in London