Oliver Striky
Member since: Feb 26, 2015
Published articles: 25

If you are reading this article, there is a strong chance that you're tired of trying to "live with" your varicose veins, and are beginning to think seriously about seeking treatment and finally doing...

There are many possible causes of red or reddish-brown discoloration on the legs and ankles, ranging from injury to sunburn to eczema. But if the discoloration lasts for more than a week and is...

One question that vein specialists in New Orleans hear most often is, "Can arteries become varicose, the way that veins do?" The simple answer to this question is "No," but like many aspects of...

Part of our job as Louisiana vein doctors is to provide ongoing patient education to improve people's understand of varicose veins and other forms of vein disease. On our website at...

Many people experience swelling in their legs and ankles from time to time. In many cases the swelling is temporary, caused by injuries, sprains, or sitting or standing too long. In some cases the...

When trying to write about what constitutes an "amazing outcome" for patients who have sought New Orleans vein treatment from La Bella Vita Laser and Vein Center, it's tempting to focus on symptoms...

The month of March is designated as Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month by the medical community for a good reason – side effects and complications of DVT kill hundreds of thousands of Americans...

When you consult with Dr. Randall S. Juleff or another Louisiana vein doctor, it is safe to assume that you are concerned about the health of your veins. It is also safe to assume that your vein...

No one really wants to end up in the hospital. So if your doctor told you that you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and that if you don't do something about it you'll end up in the...

From the perspective of the best vein doctors in Louisiana, when it comes to maintaining a state of good health, most patients' "weakest link" is the condition or risk factor that they don't pay...

They’re ugly, they’re uncomfortable, and without help they’ll just keep getting worse. Varicose veins are anything but fun, but for many people they’re simply a part of life. A part of life, that is...

When you’re dealing with varicose veins, swollen calves and ankles, or painful, achy legs, who do you turn to for help? For many people, the answer is "a vein specialist in New Orleans." When someone...

If you remember back to your college days, the courses numbered "101" were always the "intro" courses to any particular academic study. They would provide an overview of what that field or discipline...

Dr. Randall S. Juleff, our founder and primary physician at La Bella Vita Laser and Vein Center, has cared for many, many patients during his 30+ years of experience. Triple-certified in Phlebology...

One of the things you notice as a doctor is that patients are notoriously bad at assessing the severity of their symptoms, and what will happen to them if they ignore them. For example, one of the...
Author Bio
Looking for Vein Specialist Clinic in Covington County? Find the best Vein Doctor in Louisiana, Dr. Randall S. Juleff, M.D. serving Covington area.