Deep Aman
Member since: Apr 16, 2015
Published articles: 8
Actinic DermatitisWhat is Actinic Dermatitis ::It is a skin disorder due to the exposure of UV Rays, Visible light or Sun Rays. The skin becomes photosensitive and reacts after the exposure of light...
ActinomycosisActinomycosis is a rare type of infectious bacterial disease. It is a slowly progressive infection caused by various bacterial species of the Actinomyces genus, most commenly Actinomyces...
Atopic EczemaEczema is also called Dermatitis sometimes which means inflammation of the skin.There are many types of eczema. The most common among them is Atopic Eczema. In this eczema there is...
Our mission at Ayur Sudha is to develop the best world standards in Ayurveda practice and make them available to our patients. To identify the strength and limitation of Ayurveda Medical Science...
The Ayurvedic Approach to AllergyThe primary cause of allergy is accumulation of " AMA" formed by the imbalance of the digestive fire. ( Ama is the toxin formed due the faulty metabolism, it is a...
Critical IllnessIf you are living in brampton (Canada ) and you want critical illness insurance than this article is for you. understands that like most Canadians...
EMBRYO FREEZING 74% Human embryos created by in vitro fertilization were frigid with 1,2-propanediol as a cryoprotectant. Embryo endures later defrost was connected to the existence of a core in...
Acne PimplesAcne is known as Yuvaan Pidika in Ayurveda and Acne in Modern science. The imbalance of the Tridosha of the body ( Vata Pitta Kapha ) causes skin disease like Acne. The main sites of acne...