There are many ways to improve your cash flow, but how and who you sell may be the most important way you can control your cash flow. We all know and love those clients that pay COD, but they are far...
These days if you are running a wholesale business and if you are planning to take loan from a traditional bank, you will find it to be a tedious task. Since, you are in to a growing business and have...
Amongst other benefits of invoice factoring or accounts receivable factoring, one of the important services, which a factor provides, is bad debt protection to the business. For any business...
Leading on a business is not as easy as one might think. It’s true that these days everyone wants to become his/her own boss and lead the market and hence people end up being an entrepreneur. But...
Running a business has never been a smooth journey but with invoice factoring financing, your business can begin to skyrocket. Every new day comes with new challenges and tackling them can be daunting...
Invoice factoring proves to be a boon for those companies who either are short on time to apply for a traditional loan at a bank or their loan application form has been rejected by a bank. A small...
A business gets approval for invoice factoring on the basis of the credit history of its debtors. First, the debt factoring company would analyze the financial capability of the customers to determine...
Something is seriously wrong with the world! Just think about it. We have made a significant development in the electric cars department, still people preferring gas-run cars are a majority...
There are many sources of funds a business can resort to at time of emergency. Traditional sources like bank loans and overdrafts are always there, but you noticed that most companies opting invoice...
In 1985, 1st PMF Bancorp was founded as a family run lender providing factoring, but as our clients’ businesses expanded globally.