David Key
Member since: Oct 04, 2015
Published articles: 9

Byotrol, a product by Byo-One Ltd has created a lasting impression in fields including healthcare, food and beverage, hospitality etcetera. An expansive product range offered by Byotrol includes Hand...

Byotrol has invented new antimicrobial technology for manufacturing high quality antimicrobial products for public to provide greatest hygienic environment. Its unique characteristics are ideal for...

Hygiene and health work hand in hand, the loss of one reflects clearly on the other. It is not just through good eating habits that one can ensure healthy living but proper care needs to be taken of...

Hand soaps are becoming more and more popular with new inventions like liquid hand soap and foaming hand soaps. The liquid hand soap was invented in the 70s since then took several decades to become...

Maintaining highest level of sanitisation at home and businesses is important because the surfaces where you keep or cook food might be infected by bacteria. It is the same case with your hands, as...

A disruptive anti microbial technology, Byotrol is described by the experts as one with traits of an ideal biocide. Never before this could one find traits of unique and attractive anti microbial...

A serious threat to those in healthcare organisations is micro organisms for they pose a great threat to the sick, young and the elderly. These microbes if not effectively controlled result in...

Germs, bacteria, viruses, mould and mildew are not visible to the naked eyes but they are lethally harmful as they can cause infections and allergies and make life miserable. That is why sanitisation...

It is vital to sanitise home surfaces such as kitchen, food processing tables etc because lethal germs might be hiding there. These bacteria may not be visible to the naked eye but they are for sure...
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Mold and mildew can lead to complications such as coughing, difficulty in breathing, pneumonia, allergic reactions, depression, forgetfulness, migraine, sore throats etc., for mold and difficulty in breathing, sore throat, headaches.