Suchin Lawan
Member since: Dec 23, 2015
Published articles: 35

Kratom, a tropical deciduous tree that is native to Thailand in Southeast Asia, is well known for its various medicinal properties. Classified as a member of the Rubiaceae family, it bears the...

Alternative drugs created from various parts of herbs and plants have been existence since the beginning. Many of these have been proven to provide as effective remedies for certain diseases...

Kratom is the popular name for "mitragyna speciosa", a tree similar to that of coffee, and which grows in the counties like Malaysia, Indoensia and other countries of Southeast Asian regions. Kratom...

"Mitragyna Speciosa", native to the countries of Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia is known among people as kratom. The leaves of this plant are in use from the time immemorial because of the medicinal...

Mitragynan speciosa or all the more prominently referred to as Kratom has been utilized as a recuperating wonder for quite a long time by the general population of South East Asian nations, for...

Kratom, a plant similar to that of coffee, is used as a solution for a variety of health problems. Though similar to coffee, there exists some difference like coffee has a relatively better taste than...

Is Kratom addictive? Does it have harmful side effects? Such type of questions often comes up with regard to this wonder plant, the biological name of which is Mitragyna Speciosa. The leaves of this...

Kratom is a plant based drug that is considered safe to be consumed as a medication for many health related problems. Kratom is actually a tree found in the South East Asian Countires like Malaysia...

Kratom is really a grow based drug that is certainly regarded as safe to get ingested as being a medication for many people health related troubles. Kratom is a tree within the actual Southerly...

Kratom is an evergreen tree that belongs to the same family as coffee. A plant that grows in the wet marshy lands, it is mostly found in regions of the Southeast Asian countries, like Malaysia...

Elective medications made from different parts of herbs and plants have been presence since the starting. A hefty portion of these have been demonstrated to give as viable solutions for specific...

An evergreen tree owed to the coffee family, Kratom is generally present in areas of Southeast Asian kitchenware regions. Since Kratom is supposed to be to the coffee family of plants, there can be a...

Kratom has traditionally been in use for a very long time, in fact for ages in some of the Southeast Asian countries. Known as "mitragyna speciosa" botanically, the plant is generally found in the...

An evergreen tree belonging to the coffee family, Kratom is generally found in areas of Southeast Asian regions. Since Kratom belongs to the coffee family of plants, there are quite a few similarities...

The latest and innovative product available in the kratom market is the kratom capsules. Traditionally, people used dried and crushed kratom leaves as medicine. But as kratom became more popular...
Author Bio
Kratom benefits is a plant that is found in Thailand and some places in Southeast Asia and is considered as indigenous and related to coffee.