Kim Choudhary
Member since: Jan 23, 2016
Published articles: 5
A stair is a series of steps, each elevated at a measured distance, starting from one level of a structure to another.An average person climbs several sets of stairs every day. Before escalators and...
Whether you need access to your attic or need to perch a deck over the back yard, or to access another level of the house, staircase will be needed. The staircase you decide to install can make or...
When it comes to spiral stairs, long and winding stairs that are used as an elegant feature of an expensive house comes to mind. However, now days, spiraltrappa are more frequently used and can be...
Steel stairs are an optimal choice for staircase building as they are durable and also pleasing to look at. With the installation of an anti-slip steel handrails, a staircase gets an additional...
It is known that humans have been decorating their homes in Stone Age. The paintings on walls of caves indicate that home decoration was always there. With civilization, concept of home decoration...
Kim is an avid blogger who has interest in writing about home interiors, interior designs, architecture and home renovation. The author has written many blogs & articles for Trappspecialisterna staircase designers in Sweden.