Terro Naruka
Member since: Jul 19, 2013
Published articles: 96
Impotence can be due to physical conditions or mental conditions and it can be temporary or permanent. Even young men in perfect health find themselves unable to achieve an erection due to unhealthy...
Back pain is a familiar difficulty among various people. It not only affect old and middle aged people, but it also affect young peoples who work for long hours. The back bears large amount of our...
Good quality of stamina means healthier energy levels, circulation and overall health. To boost stamina and energy level one should need to increase the lung capacity and fortify the muscles used in...
Sex is meant for enjoyment, and one loves to prolong those moments to experience lovemaking pleasure. Lovemaking act involves sexual arousal, penetration, pull and push game, and ejaculation...
If you have diabetes and ask are herbal medicines effective in lowering and controlling blood sugar, the answer is an unqualified yes. Allopathic medicines use insulin hormone for diabetics but...
Are herbal medicines effective in treating erectile dysfunction or should you use allopathic remedies like sildenafil citrate pills for this condition? This question is easily answered when you...
As per studies, certain herbal remedies are found to be very useful for the proper functioning of liver. In this article we are going to see how ayurvedic herbal liver support supplements help avoid...
Diabetes is also known as diabetes mellitus, expresses a set of metabolic diseases in which the individual have high blood sugar (blood glucose), also because insulin creation is insufficient, or...
Gallstone, a common ailment reported in hospitals can be cured with the help of a healthy lifestyle. Here, we are going to see the details of biliary calculi or gallstones breaker gallbladder stone...
Green Tea, white tea and oolong tea are great option to safeguard you from neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses. Nowadays, many people are asking a question...
Acne, a common health disorder found in teenagers can be controlled with the help of herbal medicines. As per studies, accumulation of oil in face is reported to be as a main cause of acne and pimple...
Women health care is vital as they serve as the gateway to the new generation. The Very Important Person (VIP) in any one’s life is women, who play roles as mother, wife, and sister The need to...
Diet and exercise plays a great role in controlling your body health. How to dissolve biliary calculi at home with safe herbal gallbladder cleanser pills? This question is quite common in today's...
Men work hard to bring wealth to his kith and kin. All work and no play make Jack dull boy, true with men also. The men after a hard day of work, it may be intellectual or physical work, entertains...
The concept of blood purification may be associated with the concept of detoxification of the body. Overtime toxins build up in our body and bloodstream, making us really ill. Thus purifying methods...
Author Bio
Terro Naruka is dedicated to help others by sharing useful tips and techniques that he has discovered. He writes on health, travel and software.