In our everyday life we drink gallons and gallons of water. Water is the basic need of every human being and without it, humans cannot survive long. We drink water at work, while travelling, at home...

Polyester-based PET (polyethylene terephthalate) was originally synthesised by chemists during a search for polymers to make new textile fibres in late 20s and early 30s of last century. Thanks to the...

Though many types of bottles are in use these days, none of them matches the popularity of PET Bottles. PET bottles are used in daily life for a variety of purposes. The various examples of these...

Nowadays, bottles have a wide range of applications in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, automobiles etc. Has anyone ever tried to know what goes into making of...

PET plastic which is also called polyethylene terephthalate plastic or #1 plastic is a thermoplastic polymer sap of the well known polyester family. This plastic makes for an extremely well known...

The plastic products are found in large numbers. We regularly require their help in our daily lifestyle. Not many people know how they are manufactured. Well, the process is not that complicated as...

What is the purpose of moulds? Moulds help give a permanent shape to any object. For example, if you need a bottle cap, you need a cap of exact size that would fit for a bottle. Moulds need to be...

PET moulding is a procedure that is heavily used to create a large number of hollow products from thermo-plastic material. Two types of machinery that are used in this procedure include plastic...
Author Bio
Acme Disys Established in 2002, Acme Disys is a leader and an innovator in the Pet Preform Mold industry. Bottle Moulds Industries.