Jeramey K Smith
Member since: Sep 04, 2013
Published articles: 20

Ayurvedic science has made tremendous progress in almost every walk of life. Objectives once considered hard to be achieved and accomplished have now been achieved by us. Scientists and researchers at...

FitOFat capsules have emerged as a global herbal supplement with worldwide markets due to the growing consumer awareness about holistic healthcare and lifestyle. In a breakthrough initiative by...

As difficult as some people may find it to believe, there are many people who are looking for fast way to gain weight in a healthy way, because they would look better if they gain a little bit of...

While majority of the articles found around tend to give tips on losing weight, there are many people who have the opposite problem and that is gaining weight. Whether the reason is cancer treatment...

Have you felt obliged to eat big portions lately or have another drink because you don't want to be seen as a square? Have you tried, but unsuccessfully, a maintenance diet for some years now at the...