We were once encumbered by wires sticking out of every orifice of our electronic devices; keyboards, mice, printers, earphones…. you name it. In recent years we have learned how to interface...
Some observations from the professionals at MobileREMEDIES®You’re walking down the street and you pass two guys leaving a cellphone/electronic repair shop. The geeky guy enthusiastically says to the...
Observations from the Professionals at MobileREMEDIES®You are a young enthusiastic entrepreneur who has just started a new business. You have purchased a web address, developed an attractive and...
At MobileREMEDIES®, we repair all Cell Phones, Game Systems, iPod/MP3 Players, iPad/Tablet PC's and Computers. Water Damage is one of our most common repairs and our success rate is high. When repair is not cost efficient for your device, or if you