Edward Brewer
Member since: Oct 01, 2013
Published articles: 5
Labels that last a lifetime. That is a key component of the Item Unique Identification system, or IUID, developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The idea is to mark each piece of DoD equipment...
Many defense contractors are experts in a particular field of engineering, such as aerospace, vehicle, electrical or industrial engineering. What they might not be experts on are defense department...
Department of Defense contractors have many details to think about when determining how to comply with the department’s Item Unique Identification (IUID) requirements. The IUID program involves the...
With so many different methods available for applying a Unique Identifier symbol to equipment produced for the military, a defense contractor might easily start to feel overwhelmed. Therefore it can...
Much effort goes into designing unique identification (UID) labels for equipment to be used by the military. How to label the items, where to place the 2D Data Matrix symbol that contains the Item...