Nanshi Pacheco
Member since: Aug 25, 2016
Published articles: 23

Table fans are used in thousands of homes for cooling effect and maintaining the air flow. While buying a table fan, one should check features like safety, performance, protection, power consumption...

There are different types of air coolers, so you should consider a number of factors before you buy air coolers. While you consider your cooling needs, you should also check the cooler’s size and...

The pleasure of a ceiling fan can be reasserted to being a boon on a hot, sunny day. Evolving from the 17th century first generation hand operated fans better known as ‘punkah’ which worked at the...

When we talk about practicality, functionality as well as aesthetic value in a package, nothing beats even the most basic decorative ceiling fans that have been humming as well as cooling the air...

There is a growing trend to install designer ceiling fans in homes. They are elegant, functional and energy efficient. You can also find versatile wall mounted fans for rooms and areas where ceiling...

Home is the breeding ground for a variety of odors and pollutants. Smell from cooking food, pet dander, and a variety of fumes etc can cause degradation in the quality of inside air. Thus, air...

There is a lot of chatter about the latest lighting technology, the led bulbs nowadays. When compared to traditional lighting, there are multiple benefits that come along with LED lighting. Switching...

Selecting a home appliance is a job feared by many. The reason, more than expected products available in the market leading to confusion and not being able to understand which one is better. These are...
Author Bio
I am a writer, writes for Australian website such as SEO Service, an online provider of quality Web Design and SEO & SMO, B2B, Health, Fashion, Education and E-Commerce.