My Outlook profile is showing error after upgrading to Windows 10, I am unable to open Outlook but cannot access my mail accounts. I’m getting the following error:"Cannot start Microsoft Outlook...

I’m using Outlook 2013 which has my 8 years Outlook data which are associated with multiple accounts. But the size of my Outlook mailbox has almost reached its limitation. Now the problem is that, my...

Offline Storage File (OST) is an offline folder. It is basically used for the data of the exchange server. Offline storage file can be used when a user is connected to the server. Sometimes users want...

What is Duplicate Emails in Outlook? In Outlook when similar PST Data items such as emails, contacts, calendar, etc. appear multiple times in different Outlook folders then they may create duplicate...
Author Bio
As author of MS Outlook Tools, Peter has experience more than 21 years in IT industry and he is now working with an expert data recovery firm. He has quality expertise in Microsoft Outlook & love to solve users query by providing excellent solutions.