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Giftcollection Giftcollection

Member since: Oct 23, 2013
Published articles: 3

Buy the Best German Gifts

There is no doubt that giving gifts has become an important part of our lives. Whether it is birthday, Christmas, Father’s Day, or any other occasion, people typically give gifts to commemorate the...

Articles > Shopping > Gifts Nov 23, 2013
German Steins – Understanding What They Are

There are many collectible items that people go crazy for - articles that hold such ingenuity in terms of workmanship and such creativity in terms of style that they become legends. People just cannot...

Articles > Shopping > Gifts Jan 14, 2014
Gifting German Beer Steins – Marks of Authenticity

Out of all the collectibles that are available in the market, German beer steins are perhaps the most coveted and sought after ones. No matter whose ownership it is under, a beer stein will certainly...

Articles > Shopping > Gifts Dec 23, 2013