Thenew Internet
Member since: Aug 08, 2017
Published articles: 10
Authenticated Reality™ offers a way to socialize with real people in a safe and secure environment. Every time you interact with a user online you know 100% it is a real and authenticated person...
Jessica Ciabarra – CSO and Co-founder Jessica Ciabarra is the Chief Social Officer and co-founder at Authenticated Reality. While new to the world of entrepreneurship, she was previously at Revel...
Authenticated Reality Releases 'The New Internet' With Unrestricted Domain Extensions Company also announces Android availability of The New Internet, the first-ever secure gateway to the Internet...
In the early days of the Internet, many businesses were slow to see the commercial potential of this new platform. Many businesspeople viewed the nascent web as the plaything of geeks and computer...
Meet Authenticated Reality Welcome to Authenticated Reality’s new suite of services called THE NEW INTERNETTM. These services compliment the Authenticated Reality software authoring services by...
Fake News is Just the Beginning – Why the Internet Needs a Fix When the Internet first emerged, it was mainly a tool for scientists, researchers and government officials to connect with one another...
Fake News is Just the Beginning – Why the Internet Needs a Fix When the Internet first emerged, it was mainly a tool for scientists, researchers and government officials to connect with one another...
Meet Authenticated Reality Chris Ciabarra – CEO and Co-founder Chris Ciabarra is the CTO and co-founder of Authenticated Reality and creator of The New Internet™, an authenticated secure community...
How Users Can Protect Themselves from This Dangerous Scam If you have not yet heard about Facebook cloning, chances are you will be learning about it soon. You can only hope that the lesson about...
The Internet is great for creating communities, from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to virtual reality worlds like Second Life to multiplayer video games like Minecraft and World of...
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