Heritage 21
Member since: Aug 31, 2017
Published articles: 5

On account of "cultural heritage," the heritage doesn't comprise of cash or property, however of culture, qualities and customs. Cultural heritage infers a common bond, our belonging to a community...

Cultural heritage is comprised of numerous things small and large. You can see it in the structures, townscapes, and even in archeological remains. Culture can be seen through natural sources too: the...

Cultural Heritage plays an effective part in numerous groups, and any advancement or recovery scheme requires preservation based, informed analysis of the noteworthy condition, and suitable management...

The full form of ICOMOS is International Council on Monuments and Sites which is a non-governmental group of experts dedicated towards the preservation of the world's historic monuments and buildings...

Heritage buildings fundamentally represent the past history and culture of a country. They constitute together the architectural heritage of an area. Heritage structures have historical values coming...
Author Bio
Heritage 21 is a team of professional heritage property consultants & advisors dedicated to provide all round heritage advice for cultural heritage conservation.