Simply put, child support and timesharing can be modified post-judgment. This means that a child support or timesharing order given at the time of judgment can, in the future following the judgment...

Dividing a married couple’s property and assets is often a difficult task when it comes to divorce (dissolution of marriage). All too often, each party has specific ideas of who should get what...

Understanding Your Legal Options When family dynamics shift due to divorce, separation, or other circumstances, grandparents often wonder about their legal rights concerning visitation or custody of...

Following a divorce, each spouse will be responsible for meeting their own expenses without the help of the former spouse. If there has been an award of alimony there, of course, will be money given...

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is crucial to many divorce proceedings in Florida. Designed to provide financial assistance to the lower-earning spouse, alimony ensures that both parties can...
Author Bio
The Law offices of Grant J. Gisondo. P.A. is a family law firm in Palm Beach Gardens, FL specialized in divorce, child and spousal support, custody and more. For more details contact us on -561-530-4568 or http://gisondolaw.com/