Minoxidil Direct
Member since: Dec 13, 2013
Published articles: 23
Fighting back against male pattern baldness or generalized thinning of the hair is something many men very much would like to do. Minoxidil for men can provide the edge needed, but men need to...
Hair loss is something a lot of men believe they simply have no control to stop. While that is true in some cases, it’s not in others. Men don’t have to take this particular sign of aging lying down...
It’s a simple fact that most men – and women – would prefer not to have to live with hair loss. While wigs, hairpieces and other options can provide temporary relief, natural regrowth of hair is...
Accepting hereditary hair loss without putting up at least a little bit of a fight it something most men, and certainly most women, refuse to do. Fortunately, a number of products are available that...
By the time they reach 35 years of age, 66 percent of men will begin to experience some form of hair loss. Trying to find an effective solution might be enough to make you want to pull your hair out...
Not much puts us in a position of having so little control over our physical appearance as the onset of balding. Affecting men and women alike, hair loss can have a devastating effect on self-esteem...
Hair loss might go hand-in-hand with getting older for both men and women, but that doesn’t mean it’s a welcomed symptom of aging. For those who want to fight back against gradual thinning and hair...
If you’re someone who has recently started noticing that your hair is thinning, or that you have a bald spot, you’re not alone. Each and every year, thousands of people search for solutions to their...
Minoxidil-Direct.com is one of the UK’s leading providers of hair loss treatments. The company provides a variety of solutions ranging from Minoxidil women formulations to Rogaine foam for men.