Nathan Weiss
Member since: Feb 28, 2018
Published articles: 78

The supporting role perception of the violinist’s bow underestimates its importance. But a certain 18th century Frenchman changed everything.There’s a famous unattributed quote about bowed instruments...

Violinists, violists and cellists know the score: It can be hard to fly with stringed instruments. Savvy musicians know the top tips of air travel.Traveling on airplanes with musical instruments of...

Luthiers practice a craft that derives from the old schools of Italy, Germany and France, but several schools for stringed instrument making are in the US.Despite the omnipresence of manufactured...

The tailpiece anchors the strings on the bottom end of violins, violas and cellos. As the top of the strings are held in place by pegs in the peg box, they are strung across the fingerboard and...

Violinmakers do not typically include parts of expired animals in their fine instruments. But nonetheless fiddlers add snake rattles for a variety of reasons.Only in America. The place of the violin...

It’s prudent for the budding musician to begin with a student-model instrument. But progress can be stunted if the violin isn’t properly setup by a professional.There is a great deal of difference...

Whether looking for someone to teach violin, cello or a flugelhorn, the teacher is vitally important to how well your child learns. Here are search tips.The unfortunate aphorism, "Those who can’t...

It’s a tiny town with a big claim in fine stringed instruments. The Klotz family started it a long time ago and today’s luthiers still learn their craft there.When tourists travel to Germany...

The bass bar is a piece of wood on the underside of the faceplate or “belly” of stringed instruments such as violins, violas or cellos. It runs along the bass string of the instrument down to the bass...

The distinctive scroll found at the top of fine violins, violas and cellos is a purely decorative woodcarving that showcases the violinmaker’s skill as a maker and craftsman. The concept originated in...

The sound holes of stringed instruments such as fine cellos, violas and violins, also known as F-holes, are openings in the top plate. The holes allow the plate to resonate more freely and let...

Legendary violins are made of Bosnian wood grown hundreds of years ago. But can modern luthiers replicate what Stradivari had available to him?The extraordinary sound of the fine violins, violas and...

Being "off pitch" is more often a metaphor for poor communications. But with violins, oboes, and concertmasters, it hits on the science of music.In a modern world, we expect everything to be...

"Outfit" is another word for "set," as in how the three primary components (violin, bow, and case) are sold in a package. Sometimes it’s a better buy.The beginning violin student and even someone with...

The versatility of bows on strings is evident in how musicians over the past century have found ways to swing an instrument that can do bebop as well as Bach.To understand the history of violins in...
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