Aparna Doma
Member since: Mar 07, 2018
Published articles: 5

In a world where 6 out of 10 people own a smartphone, the best way to reach the target audience is through the medium that they spend the majority of their time in. Having a smartphone inadvertently...

Any dental work that improves the appearance of teeth, gum or bite is known as the science of dentistry. It is strange that why we choose to live with discoloured yellow and stained teeth when it can...

With a number of highway projects waiting to be passed and constructed, the National Highways Authority of India is planning to rope in various foreign pensions and several other equity investors to...

What Is Tobacco?Tobacco is a green, leafy plant that has long been grown, dried, and used by cultures around the world. It’s usually smoked but is sometimes chewed or inhaled. Tobacco is known to...

Guard your smile safe and healthy while you play. Regular sports players and athletes are 60 times more likely to suffer from broken and damaged teeth. This is because accidental impacts even in...
Author Bio
I like writing informative articles that help in career growth.