Cutting Edges
Member since: Jul 31, 2018
Published articles: 34

Sharing information and ideas is tough when there is a language barrier between the two parties. This is the main issue a company of any genre faces when it decides to expand its boundaries to a...

Technology is something which has been the greatest gift to the humankind. It's a fact that people used to live quite happily without all these technological gadgets and apps in the early days but...

Interpreters require proficiency in speaking as they are expected to translate the language orally only. Whereas a translator must possess excellent writing skills with perfection and accuracy of...

"Words are the natural means of expressing thoughts and establishing understanding between people". In every global sector, either medical or legal, translation services are the basic requirement. In...

The official language used in India is Hindi. Although English is understood by the majority of people it can not necessarily help in connecting with the common people of the country. India is a...

With the advent of internet and high tech machinery, IT sector is flying with new colors of achievement across the globe. Keeping the needs and desires in mind, this sector tailors the best supporting...

It has been proved that to ace in selling your product or expanding your business you need to know your customer. By ‘knowing’ we mean the preferences, likes, dislikes, and interests of your customer...

The translation services required for media content, literature and marketing are particularly talents and skills within its own field. It is completely different from those required for technical...

Is there anyone in the cosmos who never have eyes for Eiffel tower of Paris, the Taj Mahal of India, the pyramid of Giza of Egypt? Traveling is the best book of life that stock up thousands of...

Health is of prime focus in the age where everyone is having so many options of having junk food. To tackle the problems that come with unhealthy eating habits, one need to develop the healthier ones...

The world needs engineers for almost all industries. It has been a popular trend to bring down the best engineers from all across the corners in the planets to make an efficient workforce and...

Sanskrit is a historical Indo-Aryan language that has had a great influence in the development of several other languages, particularly the ones spoken in the Indian subcontinent. Sanskrit is one of...

While building your next customer centric software – either to drive sales, or analyse the social sentiment of your target audience, how can you ensure connection with audience falling under your...

The telecommunication industry is one of the most flourishing industry in the 21st century. As people are coming closer by the means of innovation and technology, it has become imperative for the...

Germany is a huge potential market for any business to flourish.If you need any document translation into German or from German, then Cuttingedge translation services ought to be the best choice. We...
Author Bio
Cuttingedge is the ideal name to find Gulf Translation Services for a fruitful venture in a different soil. The professional team finds and translates the core essence of the content and delivers it in the same manner to the new audience.