Statistics and market research of several government and private agencies confirm that food processing is a hot business option in recent time. Nowadays, more and more companies are entering the field...

Soft drink manufacturers or what we call Beverage Manufacturing segment is a major part of country’s economy. Soft drinks and supply of bottled water make up an intrinsic part of consumer’s day- to...

Some materials with no nutritional value are also added to food and beverage products. These ingredients and additives are designed to make the food smell better, taste better, last longer, and/or...

Food Processing and Technology includes a set of physical, chemical or microbiological methods and techniques used to interchange raw ingredients into food and its conversion into other forms in food...

It is highly surprising that in past few years, there is a gradual transition in the Packaging & Filling Procedure adopted in food supply business. With the amendment from ancient to industrial food...
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