When a software program or an application does not work the way it is created or designed to perform, it is called a software bug. In most of the cases, these errors are caused by developers or...

@ Customized apps, fine tuned to the needs of a company’s customers can be said to be the USP of businesses these days. Here are some effective tips the mobile app development companies should keep in...

@ When the first smartphone was launched for the general public in 1994, nobody could have predicted that this simple device would evolve to become an integral a part of our life. Currently there are...

Customer Satisfaction is a very important domain for anyone who wants to have a successful business. Being abstract in nature, it is not measurable. So Consumer Satisfaction Survey is devised to gauge...

With the developments in technology and the advancements in web security,people are more and more comfortable to spend money online. Online shopping has definitely garnered immense popularity over the...

Bugs and errors in the software have always been a developer’s nightmare. They are responsible for huge revenue loss and time wastage by digging through error logs. As more and more features are added...

@ a:link { color: #0000ff } A survey is an investigation about the characteristics of a given population using collecting data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics...
Author Bio
Shibi is Seo analyst at Wiinnova Software lab. Wiinnova is the leading mobile app development company which offers creative passion for web apps and blockchain development.