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Sarah Molenda

Member since: Mar 09, 2019
Published articles: 5

How to Save Money on Food - My Five Best Tips

How will saving money on food help me?If you are on a budget or are looking to save more money, food is an easy expense to cut. Despite many thinking food will always take up a huge portion of any...

Articles > Finance > Personal Finance May 20, 2019
Things to Look for when Trying Online Banking

Are you interested in online banking? Using an online bank is convenient in today's world and helps eliminate paper clutter and helps you keep track of your budget. Yet, like most things in life, not...

Articles > Finance > Personal Finance Nov 15, 2021
What Does It Mean to Have Financial Freedom?

Financial freedom means having enough money that you don't have to work anymore. You can have freedom in most areas of your life, and although you may choose to work, you don't need to because you...

Articles > Finance > Personal Finance Nov 15, 2021
Why Budgeting Matters and Tips to Help You Succeed

Budgeting is important, but if you already budget you probably know this to be true. Yet, if you are contemplating starting a budget, it is best to do some research and find out the budgeting basics...

Articles > Finance > Personal Finance Feb 28, 2022
Why Frugal Living Will Benefit Your Finances

Many think frugal living is a waste of time. However, frugal living is a key component to living a debt-free, stress-free life. In fact, many millionaires live on the frugal side. Why? So they can...

Articles > Finance > Personal Finance Mar 31, 2019

Author Bio

I'm Sarah, author of I Heart Frugal. I am a mother of two, wife, and personal finance blogger. My husband and I have paid off over $100,000 in student loan debt combined and enjoy saving money on everyday things so we can use our money to travel.