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Articles Legal & Law Cyber Law
Oilfield Injury Attorneys: Ensures Compensation for Oil Field Workers

South Texas is in the middle of an oil boom as dangerous work is done here. To protect workers, every possible protection is taken to prevent them from injuries and wrongful death. Many of the...

Liyo Josef Sep 14, 2014
Personal Injury Attorneys: Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

Nowadays, the accidents have turned out to be very frequent. Appropriate protection practices often deliberate down the process, but in today’s modern era, the safety measures must be followed to...

Liyo Josef Sep 13, 2014
Fight for Your Compensation Right with Dallas Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are the worst thing that anyone can experience in life. It is not only a big depletion of property but also of lives. Other than victim, no one else can understand the pain of handling...

Liyo Josef May 24, 2014
Premium Member
Data Infringement Alert: Cybercrimes and Penalties in the Uae

Introduction:The UAE has recently strengthened its stance against cybercrimes with the introduction of Federal Decree-Law No. 34/2021, focusing on combating rumors and cyber offences. This legislation...

Hassan Elhais May 21, 2024
Premium Member
Key Laws That Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in Uae Business

Introduction:The UAE has implemented measures to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and the financing of unlawful organizations, with Federal Decree-Law No. 20/2018 serving as a pivotal...

Hassan Elhais Apr 25, 2024
Premium Member
Are Online Threats a Serious Crime? a Look into Uae Cybercrime Laws

Introduction:In the age of the internet, where communication and interaction occur digitally, the frequency of online threats and cybercrimes has become a growing concern for governments worldwide. In...

Hassan Elhais Mar 20, 2024
Premium Member
Digital Etiquette: Safeguarding Individual Privacy Under Uae Law

IntroductionIn the digital age, where information flows freely, respecting the privacy of individuals remains paramount. The UAE has implemented legal frameworks to protect personal data and...

Hassan Elhais Feb 14, 2024
Premium Member
Navigating Uae’s Cyber Law - Addressing Rumours and Safeguarding Privacy

Spreading Rumours and Fake NewsIn the digital age, misinformation has become a difficult challenge, with potential consequences on public opinion, peace, and national interests.Article 52 of Federal...

Hassan Elhais Jan 10, 2024
Premium Member
Cyber Blackmail is Increasing in the United Arab Emirates: Learn How to Protect Yourself

Introduction:As technology continues to advance, so do the methods employed by cybercriminals. Cyber blackmail, a form of digital extortion, has been on the rise worldwide, and the UAE is no...

Hassan Elhais Oct 24, 2023
Premium Member
Preventing Rumour Spread: Legal Responsibility in the United Arab Emirates

In today's digital age, the UAE, like many other nations, deals with the challenges of rumour spread and the distribution of false information, especially online.Recognizing the potential threats...

Hassan Elhais Oct 04, 2023
Premium Member
Learn More About False Reviews in Establishment That Invites Penalties in the Uae

Companies, or brands, that offer services to the general public, can often become the subject of negative reviews from their customers, if their service has not been up to the mark. This is absolutely...

Hassan Elhais Aug 29, 2023
Premium Member
Is Cyber Bullying Treated As a Criminal Offense in the Uae?

With the advancement of technology, the drawbacks of the excessive use of the internet, such as cyberbullying, hacking, online frauds, etc. are also coming to light. Cyberbullying is commonly...

Hassan Elhais Aug 07, 2022
Premium Member
How to File a Case for Slander, and What Are My Legal Options?

Slander’ and ‘Libel’ are said to occur when someone makes a false statement about you and which potentially damages your reputation. Let us first understand the difference between ‘Libel’ and...

Hassan Elhais Mar 10, 2022
Premium Member
Spreading False Information on Social Media and Its Penalties

The United Arab Emirates has enacted the federal degree law number 34 of 2021 concerning the fight against rumors and cybercrime. The said law was issued on 20 September 2021 and is in effect from 2...

Hassan Elhais Mar 02, 2022
Premium Member
Can You Sue Someone for Online Harassment if You Have Limited Evidence?

Online harassment or cyberbullying can be defined as the practice of ‘using electronic communication to bully a person, which could be by sending messages which are of a threatening or intimidating...

Hassan Elhais Feb 08, 2022
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