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Hard-ons are everywhere – on commercials on TV, in ads on the internet, and even in movies that don’t include a guy delivering a pizza to a woman without enough money to pay for it...
Male organ size has probably been a big deal going back to the time of the caveman, but the obsession with having a big male organ has increased in modern culture. This is in spite of the facts that...
Guys who are conscientious about male organ health often worry about the "big picture" issues (eg, tumescence function, social diseases, etc.) while perhaps not always being aware of the importance of...
It’s hard to believe, but nearly half of all men are a little touchy about member size. When asking groups of men and women if member size really matters, something interesting arose. There wasn’t...
Self-pleasuring feels delightful, which is why men want to do it all the time (and lots of women want to do it all the time, too!). But there does come a point where too much of a good thing equals a...
A red manhood is something that every man deals with from time to time. Usually the reason is obvious; for instance, a red hardness indicates a lot of blood flow to the member, which can actually be a...
An issue in bed – that’s one of the first things that comes to mind when a guy think of male organ problems (and with good reason – that is a big male organ problem). But the range of male organ...
Clearly, in order for the manhood to function properly in bed, a certain degree of male organ sensitivity is key. If a guy instead has a numb male organ, or one whose male organ sensitivity is below...
A little ache or pain in the muscles and joints is something everyone encounters at various times, and so it also is not uncommon for a man to endure a sore male organ every now and then. Often there...
Bigger, harder, firmer, longer. These are all ways to describe a man’s ideal male organ. Whether it’s locker room competitions or male adult literature star comparisons, some men just aren’t happy...
As people become more accepting and open-minded about sensual matters, many men are becoming more interested in different forms of sensual activities, some of which involve other men (even though the...
How many times must a man look at his member each day? Probably a lot, right? In addition to just being part of everyday function, a man should always be aware of the condition of his mister. This...
It’s a sure bet that every man experienced member irritation at some point in his life. It’s red, hot, swelling, and itchy. It could be massive or a teeny-tiny little red spot of lightening. Whatever...
A man will likely see many scabs throughout his life. It’s to be expected in any sort of active lifestyle. However, when a male organ scab shows up, it can be a much scarier experience. It could be...
Male organ problems are no bueno. Member dysfunction, early on release, priapism, and member fractures are just a few of the issues a member can have. Many times, these male organ problems can...