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Facts about Natural Treatment through Acupuncture in Mumbai

Author: Dr Lohiya
by Dr Lohiya
Posted: Aug 24, 2015

The ancient healers of China long ago introduced acupuncture which is now being practiced by a large number of healthcare institutes. Acupuncture as rediscovered by modern science after remaining in the dark recesses for a number of years is now topping the list of preferred alternative treatment therapies along with chiropractic treatment although the exact time and date when it was discovered is not known. This is the reason that many people nowadays are looking for natural treatment through acupuncture in Mumbai. Acupuncture is a treatment in which an Acupuncturist in Delhi or elsewhere penetrates super find needles into the skin at certain points in the body. This is the reason that some people say that this treatment has its origin in bloodletting in which some quantity of blood is withdrawn from the patient’s body.

This treatment is based on the principle that there is an energy known as Chi flowing through the entire body and any obstruction in its flow causes ailments in the body. The obstructions in the flow of the Chi can be caused by sudden trauma like accidents, the loss of a loved one etc or due to long held stress patterns. Whatever be the cause of the problem the flow of the Chi in the body can be restored to its original pattern by inserting needles in the body at certain points. This action causes the channels across the body to be activated and cleansed so that they affect certain parts and organs of the body. People who have undergone this method of treatment report that their ailments have been cured from the root. This method of treatment is capable of curing even chronic and incurable ailments like arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis etc. These ailments as we know have no cure in the allopathic system of medicine. Only temporary symptomatic relief is possible with some medicines which have harmful side effects of their own.

Due to the fact that Natural Treatment through Acupuncture in Mumbai requires a lot of skills and expertise, you should be careful while choosing the right acupuncturist in Delhi or elsewhere. The best way to choose a good acupuncturist is to rely on the information provided by some associations of acupuncturists which are operating in most major cities in the country. These associations have their own acupuncture clinics in different parts of the country. They not only provide basic training to the aspiring acupuncturists but also ensure that they enhance their capabilities by participating in various seminars and conferences.

About the Author

The author has been writing a lot about back pain treatment in Mumbai. He also shares information on paralysis treatment in Mumbai.

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Author: Dr Lohiya

Dr Lohiya

Member since: Mar 18, 2015
Published articles: 22

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