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How to stop emotional eating, defeat food addiction and steer clear of health issues

Author: Johny Dean
by Johny Dean
Posted: Oct 05, 2015

How to stop emotional eating - have you been asking yourself this question for long now? Well, if so, then you have already crossed the first and most difficult step of acknowledging that you have an issue with your food intake. Food addiction is a big social issue and unless the hidden psychological factors are understood and dealt with, no amount of exercise, diet control or appetite control pills can give you the result you are looking for. Most of emotional eating or binge eating arises from some deeply embedded and unsolved psychological issues which need to be answered so that you can get back in shape in the right way.

How to stop emotional eating - recognizing the signs

First of all, you need to recognize the signs and symptoms of emotional eating if you really wish to seek an answer to this question which has been haunting you for long. For starters, you will have a craving for high fat or packaged food, which may transform into a craving for food even if you have eaten full. You may be unable to stop yourself from munching away at potato crackers or cookies or chocolates when you feel sad and depressed. Even when you feel like rewarding yourself it has to be with food. These are few of the early signs of food addiction. You will not feel like socializing or going out with friends. There will be a loss of confidence due to weight issues arising from emotional eating. In fact, all these are related to each other. You trigger one, the next one starts rolling into action.

Tackling food addiction in a healthy manner

The first step towards leading a healthy life is finding a solution to the question, how to stop emotional eating. You need to recognize the inherent reasons behind your food addiction. Was it a disturbed childhood, or abuse, or emotional neglect? Ask yourself these simple questions and answer honestly. What are you sabotaging yourself for? What is overeating going to give back to you that you couldn’t give to yourself? These aren’t just questions but facts that you need to face before you find the answer to your problem. Every time you find yourself getting attracted towards food you need to understand why you are finding refuge in food. Be compassionate towards yourself and get rid of all feelings of guilt.

By now you must have understood quite a bit about how to stop emotional eating. The only thing that’s remaining is for you to start applying these solutions in your like and take the first step towards a healthy life. If you feel you can’t deal with this all by yourself then you can take the help of a coach who is qualified and experienced and will be able to make the journey a lot easier for you. Food addiction is not something that is to be taken lightly. The earlier you realize and recognize this issue the better will it be for your emotional, physical and psychological health, plus you can avoid obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure for life.

If you wish to know how to stop emotional eating and ways to tackle food addiction then go through this article and find your answers.

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Author: Johny Dean

Johny Dean

Member since: Jun 25, 2014
Published articles: 1133

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