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Understanding the Competition for Management Positions

Author: Stafford Global
by Stafford Global
Posted: Oct 28, 2015

When industries first started coming together, experience and apprenticeships were the primary route to developing within the organisation. Individuals started with a company and then proceeded to learn everything about it from the ground floor up before they could actually lead and manage departments and then one day take over at the top. There are benefits with this method, but in today’s society there is more of an emphasis on getting to the top outside this process.

Companies now focus more on the initials that come after a name signifying the degree level that someone has obtained. Education is extremely important and vital to the success of any organisation, but not everyone has the ability to write a thesis and undergo the gruelling demands of a Masters degree program, even if they could take it online. This is why Stafford in UAE has partnered with the University of Essex Online, to offer a post graduate diploma course in Business and Management.

This unique course has two entry options to ensure that those with and without a degree both have the same opportunity to learn and develop towards the management position they are seeking. For previous students, an undergraduate degree is required, while working professionals must have five years of senior level work experience with relevant qualifications. All submitted applications are reviewed and evaluated before being approved for the selected programme. The benefits of this programme include being able to study online at your convenience and around your work schedule. It is Masters level work, but without some of the more challenging assignments and a shorter time frame from start to completion. The general time frame for post graduate diploma courses in UAE is sixteen months to two years, depending on the university’s requirements. For students with family and full time jobs, the ability to get a comprehensive course in their desired field in a shorter amount of time can mean the difference between taking this step or not.

The faster that you are able to complete the programme, the quicker you can start applying for management positions within the company. With this diploma you will now have the academic knowledge, experience and initials to compete on a serious level with those who may have skipped their career and gone directly to pursue the Masters programme. Managers are an important group of individuals that have influential and decision making power, so there needs to be experience and expertise behind the individual in that position.

From the beginning of time, the business world has been a place where eager and ambitious individuals look for ways and opportunities to get to the next level in their career. Instead of focusing on the roadblocks that might prevent you from pursuing your dream, get ready to partner with Stafford and the University of Essex Online. These institutions understand your challenges and have developed courses that will add to the knowledge and experience that you already have, to build you into a manager that can compete at a top level in any industry.

If you are looking for leading distance learning universities, the author of this article recommends Stafford.

About the Author

If you are looking for a distance education program in Saudi Arabia, the author of this article recommends Stafford.

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Author: Stafford Global

Stafford Global

Member since: Sep 24, 2015
Published articles: 9

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