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Different Characteristics for Biometric Identity

Author: Benson Hedge
by Benson Hedge
Posted: Nov 26, 2015

Highly quick and efficient results are possible with effective biometric authentication that seeks to compare the given identification with the existing one in the database. This system may use any of the wide variety of physical attributes of a person for identity matching and some of these are the following:

  • Fingerprint identification: the ridges of your fingertips originate in the mother's womb during 4th fetal development month. As we age, these also gradually become larger, but interestingly, the relationship of ridges remains unchanged throughout.
  • Authentication of palm vein: this uses infrared beam for penetrating hands when waved over system. The veins within will appear like black lines. Vein patterns are highly complex and unique to individuals. This leads to accurate identity verification. Being internal to your body counterfeiting, it is quite difficult. People prefer it in public spaces because this is a contactless verification and as such hygienic as well.
  • Hand geometry: this is measurement, comparison of physical characteristics associated with one’s hand. Compared to other characters it is not that permanent nor offers much individuality. Still, biometric identification uses this feature with high frequency.
  • Retinal scan: this identification analyzes the blood vessels in the capillaries present in back region of eye. Throughout the life of an individual, this pattern remains the same. So this character is a part of various attributes considered by identity management software.
  • Face recognition: this signifies facial shape and size along with associated relationship. Automation of this biometric character is quite difficult and it generates unique face print by using related distances of common facial landmarks.
  • Iris scan: this analyzes the freckles, rings, and furrows in colored rings surrounding eye pupil. For comparison, it uses 200+ points.
  • DNA matching: this is a part of chemical biometric verification where individual identification is based upon his/her DNA segment analysis.
  • Signature recognition: this is another character used for identity verification part of behavioral or visual biometric. It involves the analysis of handwriting style specifically the signature of the individual. It further involves two different methods namely- Dynamic and Static.
  • Voice recognition: another name for it is auditory biometric where one can use voice for effective access control or speaker identity determination. Here, the software will match your voice to the available model or print. Such methods are used commonly in telephone banking for secure system access. User cooperation is required in this kind of authentication.
  • Odor recognition: interestingly, this also is a great component for identity verification where the specific body smell of the individual is considered.
  • Typing recognition: typing skill or mode of one individual is also different from that of another, and as such becomes a part of biometric identity establishment.
  • Finger geometry: spatial or visual biometric feature 3-D finger geometry also helps in the determination of individual identity.

Besides this, one can use individual gait and numerous other characters as well. So when you want to take a no compromise attitude towards organizational security, visit the website and find the best identity verification system.

About The Author

Benson Hedge is a pioneer in the field of biometric identity management and runs his own organization manufacturing security systems relating to this technology. He also likes to spread awareness about the many aspects related to the industry through the many informative articles he writes.
About the Author

Crossmatch provides a variety of identity management solutions such as fingerprint biometric hardware, strong authentication software and developer tools.

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Author: Benson Hedge

Benson Hedge

Member since: Feb 03, 2015
Published articles: 20

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