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SCCM Solution for Enterprise Deployments

Author: David Allison
by David Allison
Posted: Jan 04, 2016

Organisations for diverse platforms are sprawling every day at record speeds in cities. But in 21st century they have something strikingly common. Yes, it is computers and networking. Devices ranging from laptop, desktop, tablet, smartphone, iPad but they are all connected through a network and organisation happens with different levels of access, rights and securities.

Each division in these organisations has set of functions, requirements, access, securities and facilities to perform their tasks. Similar configuration is a must for a team to be more compatible for its delivery. Installation of Software of a particular type and identical applications, security from viruses happens to be the task of an administrator. This way administration happens to be a crucial task which needs continuous monitoring of the requirements and standardization of an organisation.

Software Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is the right tool for an administrator to manage an organisation at the tip of his hands. This tool is designed in view of addressing almost every requirement of an administrator in any organisation. This software has come a long way through almost 6 generations from Software Management Server (SMS) updating itself to provide easy standardisation of clients.

Template solution for any specific business, functional application and securities is a remarkable feature. Designing a template for a particular department gives desired consistency. Updating patches with such template for new requirement provides flexibility while maintaining the standard. Restricting users from updating unsupported softwares is another challenge. Policies designed by an administrator deals this concern and maintain uniformity. This management technique called Desired Configuration Management also allows administrator to run reports of all maintained clients with their details of possession for security officers and compliance auditors.

Subtle features for Administrator:

Deployment of Operation Systems, patches & updates: Operating System is deployed through tool either as scripted method of installation or imaged installation.Tool is provided with a mechanism for patches and updates of systems. The active update system based on policies designed by administrator enforces updates, patches and reboot. This maintains consistency of all workstations to the maximum.

Deployment of Software: Any software application can be distributed for a set of client work stations. These softwares can also be configured differently for different clients managed from administrators end only. It also can push plugins, utilities, complex suite or server based application along with their specified customisation.

Desired Configuration Management: As mentioned above this technique allows maintaining consistency of all monitored work stations to set configurations. Through policies DCM controls updates, drivers, software, and configuration settings. Reporting data of clients through DCM gives an edge to administrator’s task.

Remote Control: Adhoc provision to any specific work station can be directly attempted by administrator. Work station from any network can be remotely controlled by help-desk or administrator.

Internet Client: Giving flexibility to organisation is sought through SCCM. Erstwhile workstations had VPN mandatory to connect to servers of organisation with new tool mere connection to internet allows the end user to connect to server. A feature needed real mobility.

Stuart Spindlow taken up more responsibilities. He wrote many more articles about SCCM deployment and discusses how to get the services of application compatibility toolkit.

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Author: David Allison

David Allison

Member since: Nov 10, 2015
Published articles: 25

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