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School endowments – tools for better schools

Author: Sohel Ather
by Sohel Ather
Posted: Feb 10, 2016

The greatest reward that a student can receive is certainly in the form of recognition – recognition of his ability, in terms of being offered an encouragement to pursue further and explore arenas which have yet not been ventured into. An institution, that rewards a student with such recognition, helps him manifest great zeal to push himself further to prove his ability and go where no one has gone before. School endowments do exactly this. Although, most often, we presume that it is the students who are benefited from endowments, this kind of sponsorship is beneficial to all the parties involved – the sponsors, the school and the students.

What is in it and for whom?

While most of us think of school endowments as a benefit for students alone, there are other sides to it, which have been gaining popularity in the recent past.

For the student:

Of course, primarily, many students, especially those who have certain limitations such as affordability, have been greatly benefited through endowments given to them. Endowments have removed a great deal of stress that is involved in raising funds for programs, that would otherwise seem either affordable or not worth paying for (especially when a student has to pay a huge amount of money from his pocket). Endowments take away the tension of having to pay for the highest-quality programs from a student’s pocket.

For the sponsor:

Another aspect, however, is that sponsoring endowment funds, by itself,can be viewed as a profitable investment option. A sponsor enjoys certain benefits with the school. For instance, you may be allowed to advertise your company products by displaying banners or distributing marketing material during some school events. Your company/business name would be displayed in the school’s website. Your company’s products may be given preference at school; for instance, they may use a product that your company makes.

For the school:

The greatest benefit that a school receives from endowments is the possibility to hand pick and encourage students who possess the ability to excel in a field. By not being limited by lack of funds, the school is able to recognize and reward any student who has the capacity to reach great heights. By doing so, the students will not only become successful persons in future but also responsible citizens who will someday return the favor to the society by becoming sponsors themselves. In addition to this, any school which is able to raise a good amount of money towards endowments attracts the best talent. When parents of students come to know that the school is able to raise funds from successful business personnel, the commitment of the students and their parents towards achieving the common goals of the school and the students becomes stronger.

Everyone benefits, ultimately!

To whichever category you may belong – sponsor, school or student – you are sure to be benefited out of school endowments. Most sponsors are simply those who are giving back to their own schools what they received when they were students. This is the strongest and probably the most effective way of laying a futuristic path for students who excel in their field… from being a student to becoming a sponsor!

About the Author

My name is Sohel Ather, software engineer by profession and a content writer by passion, Technical writings, blogging etc are stuff that I do as hobby.

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Author: Sohel Ather

Sohel Ather

Member since: Sep 18, 2014
Published articles: 40

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