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Computer Protection that works

Author: Khan Mash
by Khan Mash
Posted: Feb 18, 2016

Whether one's computer is Apple or Microsoft, the best way to protect your computer is through easy to follow and understandable procedures. The following makes it easier for regular users to protect their computer even without prior knowledge.

Previously and new to Apple, users were under the impression that their computers could not get viruses or hardware issues, although that does not apply anymore. As Apple's market share climbed, virus and spy ware developers were drawn to Mac computers too. The main reason for this is due to the fact that websites which offer these kinds of threats have increased and the attacks are made by taking advantage of outdated browsers. Apple's operating system comes with a built-in browser just like Microsoft Windows. If a computer is using an older OS X, the machine is more likely to get a virus infection. The same applies with Windows' operating system. Windows operating system is different from Apple OS X in several ways.

Now, a widely asked question is how we can actually protect our computers. Some odd years ago, Windows was being used in more than 90% of households and the question was how one can protect a PC from viruses? This is when antivirus' first came about. Antivirus companies were making software for all Windows operating systems dated from Windows 2000 to Windows 7. Many companies were also involved in making their own antivirus tools as well. Some famous names were Symantec, Mcafee, Trend Micro, AVG etc with some versions being free and others being paid. The user would still suffer because of antivirus companies and even Microsoft having no way of educating the user. This is because just an installation of an antivirus would not be enough to protect them. In result to this, the user suffered because of lack of technical education. When high speed Internet took over dialup, more and more computer became vulnerable to threats. This created a virus storm which forced users to move to another platform such as the Apple operating system. In the beginning, it looked secured but hackers eventually started writing programs for the Mac operating system as well.

What is the best way to secure our systems? The answer is; there is no ultimate solution to this problem. What we really need to do is take some measure to reduce online attacks and if we are consistent with the following measures, it can even stop viruses and attacks, with persistence.

The following guidelines apply to all laptops, desktop computers, netbooks and all-in-one systems. For Microsoft Windows, It is very important to upgrade Windows to the latest version. As of today, the latest operating system is Windows 10 which has a built-in antivirus. Now, just an antivirus is not sufficient because it cannot stop external hacker attacks. Every computer needs a firewall. A firewall actually filters traffic and if there is something suspicious, it will warn or stop it. Sometime ago, it was not possible to get a free firewall, but luckily now it is possible and is recommended to install one. After upgrading windows to the latest version, the manufacturers make updates that are very important in order to stop new attacks. This is because virus developers continuously make new viruses and with the help of updates, it can cure those new threats. So computer and software updates must be on and the operating system must be set to install updates automatically. Users should avoid opening too many websites especially that offer free product. Opening attachments and links on different forums can create problems. For Apple computers, the formula is simple. Every Apple computer; whether it's an iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini or Mac Pro, must have the latest operating system. If the OS X is new, then no antivirus is needed. If these steps are followed, it can save oneself from a lot of problems including identity theft, repair costs and data loss which can then force us to spend a lot of money for data recovery in case of virus infections.

In conclusion, the simple explanation of viruses and the procedures to end and secure one's computer system will avoid any unnecessary trouble in the future for users.

Khan with 24 years IT experience

Mac repair,laptop,data recovery

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By Khan a href= data recovery and Apple repair expert

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Author: Khan Mash
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Khan Mash

Member since: Feb 12, 2016
Published articles: 5

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