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How to Write Scannable Content for Your eCommerce Website?

Author: Dharmendra Tripathi
by Dharmendra Tripathi
Posted: Jul 24, 2020

So you've set up that new online shopping portal but people are just not interested. They don't seem to be even reading the product descriptions. Well, the problem is that users don't read content anymore, they scan. Scanning means that the user just skims the content, looking for important points and such. Not to worry though, we've got the tips and tricks you'll need to write quality scannable content for your eCommerce website. So read on and get writing.

1. Keep it short and sweet:

No user is going to read a wall of text. It doesn't happen. In fact, they are more likely to close the page if they are slammed with a giant wall of text. Try and keep your content short. This way, even when a user scans the content, he or she will still be able to identify the keywords and the point you are trying to get across. We all know that you love your products and want to heap praises on them, but remember the user doesn't feel the same way. Always keep it short and crisp. Also need to take care of Conversion Content for eCommerce Websites and Content for eCommerce Business.

2. Formatting is king:

Always format your content the right way. Use italics, bold words etc. on your content. That way the users eye is naturally drawn to a word that looks like it has been highlighted. Keywords etc. could be highlighted to give the reader a brief look at what they're buying. Do not go overboard with this though. Keep the formatting to a minimum and only highlight what is truly important.

3. Space it out:

As we've said earlier, no one likes to be bombarded with a wall of text right off the bat. Try and space your content out a little bit. Use paragraphs to break up the text and make it easier to skim through. Users will have a much easier time looking through two to three paragraphs than a giant wall of text.

4. Pictures will always help:

Adding enticing pictures to your content is one of the best ways you can keep a reader on your page. The human eye and brain is always drawn to cool and enticing pictures. For example, on a page where you're selling games, add a few screenshots of the game play itself and maybe break up the text using cover art, character art etc. to keep readers enthralled. Pictures help break up the monotony and make your page look better as well.

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Mr. Dharmendra Tripathi


Contact Sales: 1-650-260-4411


About the Author

Dharmendra Tripathi - A Digital Marketing Specialist in eZdia marketing team with over 14 years of experience working into SEO for eCommerce, SEM, SMM, ORM, Branding, Presale & Digital Marketing.

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Author: Dharmendra Tripathi

Dharmendra Tripathi

Member since: Mar 05, 2016
Published articles: 2

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