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Features of Network Simulators That You Have to Look Out For

Author: James J. Adams
by James J. Adams
Posted: Apr 27, 2016

The general idea behind the simulation of network servers and applications is to check whether they are actually good enough to meet your performance requirements. When you have a network server or application that you want to use in certain complex real life situations, you cannot take the risk of using applications or network servers that are faulty. In order to avoid the use of servers that are faulty or below your desired level of performance, you have to use simulation software. There are certain special features of simulation software that you have to take into account as highlighted in the passage.

Ability of to simulate applications perfectly

Web applications have to perform according to the expectations of the maker. If you come up with a web based application that is not good enough to meet your expectations as well as those of your audience, you will obviously fail to meet your targeted goals. This is something that you can avoid by simply taking advantage of a network simulator or web simulator. You can use web services simulation software to assess the actual performance of your software and its response to certain inputs. However, you cannot expect your desired results if your simulation software is not able to simulate software perfectly. For example, it should be able to simulate the way web services perform.

Special features for each type of application

In network simulation, it is important to assess the performance of a server in response to a variety of applications. This is mainly because various applications exist and each of the applications comes with features of its own. Based on this, it is vital to use simulation software that is home to each of the features that you may need for specific applications. For example, mail application simulation often requires the simulation of the connection that exists between the application and the multiple POP SMTP servers. These are servers that are supposed to be functioning properly if an application is to work perfectly with mails. On the other hand, DNS clients are often simulated by considering a long list of DNS servers.

Recording real life situations

An important feature that can prove to be indispensable in simulation is the recording of real life events or situations and to mimic them using software. This is an important feature that any Web, SNMP, IOS, NetFlow simulator is to enable users to instantly simulate real life situations as soon as they have been recorded.

Easy to set up

The last you can do is to look out for simulation software that is not easy to set up. You may end up spending a full day on trying to set up your system. This may prove to be time consuming and laborious. You can do well to avoid such issues by looking for software that is easy to set up. The system is also supposed to be user friendly to enable users to easily achieve their desired results without having to struggle.

About Author:Gambit Communications is the leader in Network Simulator, NetFlow and web simulator simulator tools that enhance the productivity of management software developers.

About the Author

Gambit Communicationsis the leader in network management, Mimic Simulator and Snmp Simulator tools that enhance the productivity of management software developers.

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Author: James J. Adams

James J. Adams

Member since: Apr 22, 2014
Published articles: 90

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