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P2020-079 Passing Guarantee Exam
Posted: May 24, 2016
Question: 1
In which of the following places can you NOT find the detailed descriptions for the Initiate Java SDK methods and parameters?
A. In the doc directory included with the Java SDK installation software.
B. The Java SDK Reference Guide document that was included with your software.
C. Infocenters
D. By pressing F1 (Help) in the Initiate I.D.E. for Java.
Answer: D
Question: 2
Which tab in Initiate Inspector should be selected when you need to unlink a Record from an Entity?
A. Records
B. Attribute History
C. Linkage Details
D. Relationships
Answer: D
Question: 3
Which of the following is NOT a critical operating environment factor which can impact Initiate's system performance?
A. Application log files named outside of standard conventions.
B. Network bandwidth between Master Data Service server and database server.
C. CPU usage on server running the Master Data Service.
D. Master Data Service logfile verbosity setting.
Answer: A
Question: 4
Which of the following DOES NOT represent a valid store of Initiate knowledge that can be referenced for troubleshooting?
A. Knowledge Base on website
B. Infocenters (online product documentation library)
C. online training courses
D. LDAP repository
Answer: D
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Test Information: Total Questions: 188 Test Number: 642-742 Vendor Name: Cisco Cert Name: Ccnp Wireless Test Name: Ccnp Wireless - Iuwvn Official Site: http://www.cert4prep.co.uk For More Details: http://www.cert4prep.co.uk/642-742.html