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From Bricks to Brains - Evolution of the Mobile Phone

Author: Gunjan Kapoor
by Gunjan Kapoor
Posted: Jun 02, 2016

Mobile phones have recently become a very popular communicating device. Although it is not a very recent development. Some of us are not aware that the first smartphone was launched in 1992 by IBM and was called the Simon Personal Communicator. It was launched 15 years before the launch of an iPhone.

It is only now that mobile phones have become so popular. There are 1.91 billion smart phone users across the globe, a figure that will increase to 2.16 billion in 2016. From children to old people, everyone is using a smart phone these days. It is more of a necessity than a luxury.

There was a time when the purpose of a phone was just to call or message. With new and improved technology mobile phones have become much more than just calling or messaging. The first few mobile phone apps began appearing in 2008 which were typically operated by mobile operating systems like Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry App World.

It has become so popular that every company big or small has an app to promote its business, increase sales and interact with the customers. Mobile app development companies are expanding and earning revenue by developing apps. It gives positive returns as phones are easy to carry around. And people are able to access and use the appsanywhere. This has been possible because the network providers. They have been continuously working on improving the coverage for the customers. Even the best app may not appeal to a user if the network backbone does not support the intended user experience.

The network that we use has become faster and better. And will continue to improve in the future. The Number of mobile internet users are projected to reach 236 million users in 2016 and 314 million users in 2017.

Not many apps were available then but a lot has changed now. There have been so many technological advancements which have changed the way people work. Mobile phone appshave been increasing in number. As of July 2015,the android app store had 1.6 million apps. The Apple App Store had 1.5 Billion apps.

Mobile phones have changed the way we live.We can access almost anything on our phone. We can deposit checks, accept credit cards, order food and pay for groceries and even lock our house door. Some of these tasks have become easier because of the existence of this new technology.

About the Author

Linchpin Technologies Pvt Ltd, a mobile app development company, is globally recognized as an enterprise app development company.

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Author: Gunjan Kapoor

Gunjan Kapoor

Member since: May 18, 2016
Published articles: 12

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