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The Easiest Ways to Respond to a Negative Review about Your Vacation Rental

Author: Endrue Wellton
by Endrue Wellton
Posted: Jul 11, 2016

One of the key challenges to a vacation home popularity is that you become vulnerable to negative reviews- The more number of guests you entertain, the more probability there is for receiving a negative review.

There is no prominent company or business across the globe that has not required dealing with an angry or unhappy customer. Just take pride in the fact that you have defied all odds and become one of the most popular Orlando vacation rentals, hiring the best managers and providing the best facilities to your guests.

That said, the time has come when you have received the dreadful alert that a customer has posted a negative review and you require acting immediately.

You have not even read what has been written, still you want to quickly reach your laptop and write a swift reply. In some cases, the negative review may not be correct- your guest may have manipulated, deceived or lied to you. In other cases, the review may not be just and have become from an unrealistic guest. Someone who have believed that your extremely comfortable bed was too hard for their comfort! Someone who had needlessly high expectations!

Whatever the type of guest, you may surely become anxious. You wish to know how to react. Follow the four steps and you can easily get yourself out of the nasty situation.

Be Relaxed

The biggest mistake which most of the Orlando vacation rentals owners do is reply immediately without a second thought. This is actually letting your emotion get the best of you! Always remember that the way you react will pave way how your guests will see you- whether they will consider you an exceptional owner or wish to avoid your vacation rental. So, be relaxed! You can vent your anger in front your friend or spouse, but do not publish anything for at least two days.

Get Reference

Even though your blood may boil seeing the negative review, still you may be biased as you are the owner of the vacation rental. So, seek the opinion of a third party. Choose someone who knows about the workings of a vacation rental and give their honest opinion. The third party may agree with you and may even add "You know, I also slept in the bed, it was kind of hard"! Ensure that you select a trustworthy person to get the opinion.


Reach out to the guest who has posted the negative review about your pool home rentals in Orlando. You can contact them via email or phone but make sure to do it an appreciative tone. Always start with "Thank you for your honest opinion" or "Thank you for helping me improvises my vacation rental". Engage your guest and make sure that they feel as if you are taking proper action to better your vacation home. When you have successfully engaged your guest, you can politely ask them to take down their negative review.


If the guest is not ready to take down the negative comment, it is time to react. But as it is going to be publicly visible to your potential guests as well, make sure to respond perfectly. Use an amalgam of appreciation, respect and confidence. For example, you can explain about the numbers of guests which you have hosted in your pool home rentals in Orlando who have never complained about your vacation home. Additionally, state that even the nicest of places cannot please all client, but you will surely try to make more effort.

Finally, remember that you are bound to receive a negative review one day or the other. So, consider it as a learning phase and a step to become the best. Be prepared for more and handle it with confidence and integrity!

About the Author

Endrue Wellton is a professional blog writer and love to write content about tour & travel. So, if you are looking for Orlando Vacation Homes Rentals then you can visit our website at

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Author: Endrue Wellton

Endrue Wellton

Member since: Oct 13, 2015
Published articles: 11

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