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Why offering discounts on your vacation home is a bad idea?

Author: Endrue Wellton
by Endrue Wellton
Posted: Jul 27, 2016

Which traveler does not love a discount on vacation rental?

Offering discounts on your vacation home during off or slow season may seem like a good idea, especially when you find your competitors offering significant discounts and making it their unique selling point. But even though offering discount can enhance your rental home bookings, still it may not prove to be a good idea in the long run. Actually, various studies suggest that discounts can negatively impact your business in reviews, reputation and inconvenience to you as the owner of the rental home.

Read on to know how offering discount can negatively impact your vacation home business.

Competitive Pricing is always better

Experts often suggest the vacation home owners to use dynamic pricing for determining the most competitive pricing for their vacation rentals according to certain factors like local events, holidays, the price of competitive lodgings and hotels, the quality of the vacation home, the location etc. You may often be tempted to offer low rates to your potential guests and present it as special discounts. But competitive pricing works much better and speaks for itself. Simply keep similar or lower price of your property as compared to your competitors and list your Disney vacation rentals smartly.

It will attract your potential guests even though you are not mentioning the word "discount" in your advertisement or listing. Your potential guests are perfectly able of seeing that your pricing is competitive. The fact is that adding the word "discount" is superfluous and can cause harm to your reputation.

Travelers are Suspicious of Discounts

The word "Discount" instantly brings little suspicion in the mind of travelers. When it comes to items that can be consumed like packet of chips or cereal of a good brand, consumers are confident about the product they are getting, even if it is offered at great discount.

But when it comes to a vacation home, especially one which the travelers have never seen or heard before, they instantly become suspicion of the discount. They start worrying that the owner is offering discount means that the property cannot enjoy guests on its own merit. According to various studies, consumers associate discounts with poor quality. The concerns of the travelers about the discount may make them vary of your property and then may end up avoiding booking your vacation home. Even if some price conscious vacationers book your vacation rental, still they will remain conscious about your property and will be hyper critical. They may end up giving you a bad review which can prove detrimental for future bookings.

Discounts set a bad Example

If the travelers see the word "discount" in your advertisement headlines during an off-season, they learn something about you. They believe that you are willing to offer discounts, irrespective of the season. This means that if you do not give discounts during holidays or other months, they will think that they are missing out on the deal.

So, now you know why it is always better to keep competitive pricing for your pool home rentals in Orlando. Offer added amenities like pool, big entertainment area, parking space, attractive patio etc. to lure your potential customers, instead of offering discounts!
About the Author

Endrue Wellton is a professional blog writer and love to write content about tour & travel. So, if you are looking for Orlando Vacation Homes Rentals then you can visit our website at

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Author: Endrue Wellton

Endrue Wellton

Member since: Oct 13, 2015
Published articles: 11

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