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How to grow a fuller beard

Author: Victoria Howell
by Victoria Howell
Posted: Aug 17, 2016

Can’t grow full and luscious facial hair to save your life? Unfortunately, not all men are able to brag about getting a glorious beard. Some are stuck with the sparse and patchy mess. However, there are ways to thicken your facial hair.

1. Be Patient

Being patient when deciding to grow facial hair is a must. There is no way for you to succeed if you can’t wait out the awkward stages. Trust us; there will be a lot of awkward stages. There will be a period of time when you’ll look and feel like a homeless, unkempt, and severely depressed alcoholic, who forgot what a razor looked like. Be ready for all of the surprised and disapproving glances. Questions like "are you okay?" and suggestions like "maybe you should talk to someone" will be a constant in your life for at least several months depending on the hair growth. You’ll simply have to learn to deal with them. Leave your facial hair in peace for about 4-6 months before to try to shape it. It may take even longer if your beard tends to grow slower and is extremely patchy. Your goal is to get to the length, where all of the clear spaces are covered with hairs. Forget an old wives tale about cutting your hair to make it grow faster. It does not work. Neither trimming nor shaving will force your beard to grow better. You’ll simply have to wait. There will be times when you’ll start reconsidering your decision to have facial hair. It will itch, and it will irritate you to no means. Yet, you’ll have to embrace these drawbacks with as much grace as possible.

2. Style Correctly

When your facial hair is long enough to at least somewhat cover all of the patches, you’ll have to decide on the style. We suggest visiting a barber shop in NYC. This way you can get consulted by a professional. He will recommend the shapes and styles suitable for your particular situation. He will also show you how to get the desired result properly.

3. Take Care Of It

To ensure the fullness and the health of your beard make sure to take care of it properly. Shampoo your beard every day to get all the dirt, sweat, skin particles, and product residue off the hairs. You should always to remember to condition your facial hair. It will help you to keep it soft and easily manageable. Don’t ditch beard oils. They might sound too fancy and unnecessary, but they are extremely helpful at nourishing your facial hair.

Follow these recommendations if you want to attain the fuller looking beard!

About the Author

I am Victoria Howell. I am an American beginner writer.

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Author: Victoria Howell

Victoria Howell

Member since: Jun 15, 2015
Published articles: 45

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