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To Vape or not to Vape, that is the Question

Author: Simon Hopes
by Simon Hopes
Posted: Aug 02, 2018

We have all seen the phenomenon going on whether we notice it or not. We see them in the same stores that we go to and we see them walking down the streets-we see them everywhere. They are all of us! They are vaporees [I just made that word up]-Webster hit me up! Vaping has been the biggest thing to hit the streets since the cigarettes themselves. Their growing popularity comes from the pure fact that the users can still enjoy their "nicotine fix" without having to smoke cigarettes. This means that they smell of cigarettes, their cost and the less-than-healthy side effects from smoking cigarettes are no longer on the menu.

What is a Vapor?

A vapor is a battery-powered mechanism that comes in two pieces. The tank(top) and the battery(bottom). When you connect the two, the battery then powers a coil that rests inside of the tank. Inside of the tank is what we call "vape". We use the vape(liquid) to fill up the tank to the "fill line", and when the vape is powered then we inhale the vapor that is produced. The reason for its popularity comes in the form of a long list.

Savings: The cost of cigarettes compared to the cost of a vaping lifestyle has been known to be less expensive. You usually must make a one-time investment in the vapor and the tank itself. Then you must choose the type of vape that you want to use. This is what makes the vape locations a fun experience-almost that of a flavored tobacco shop. At the shop, you can try different flavors and even shop different types of vapors until you find one of your likings, there are even shops that hand out free vape juice for you to try. After this 1-time investment, the overhead of maintaining the amount of vape that you use on a weekly basis is found to be much cheaper than the cost of your weekly cigarette pack purchases. But make sure that you maintain your vapor properly or you will find yourself purchasing more than just your weekly vape juice!

Health: I'm not going to get too deep into this topic, but I think we can all agree that a vape from of smoke derived from the heating of a vape juice, would be considered by most to be not as harmful as actually smoke from a cigarette-that comes along with other additives.

Hygiene: Again, I think we can all agree that cigarette smoke and its aroma, even by its users has never been attractive. With vape juice, the vapor that it produces only smells like the flavor of the vape juice that you are burning-which to most is an enjoyable scent.

At the end of the day, it's up to us to figure out if vaping is for us or not. Like anything we need to educate ourselves, so we can make the smartest decision for moving forward. Vaping is a popular phenomenon and seems to make a lot of people happy-will that be you?

About the Author

With extensive research and study, Simon passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. His writings are unique and utterly grasping owing to his dedication in researching for distinctive topics.

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I Agree:
  • Guest  -  7 months ago

    Vaping, often considered a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking, comes with its share of disadvantages. One major concern is the potential health risks associated with inhaling the aerosol produced by e-cigarettes, which may contain harmful substances like nicotine, formaldehyde, and acrolein. The long-term effects of vaping remain uncertain, as the practice is relatively new. Nicotine addiction is another drawback, as many vaping products contain this addictive substance.

  • Guest  -  1 year ago

    DARPA is experimenting on Citizens of the United States including veterans and any citizen They did it in the 1950s-1970s and they are doing it right now As a US Citizen, You are a Test Subject for any “product” they are developing These products are not products you or I would buy… viruses, bacteria, drug testing, mustard gas style weapons They are unregulated govt bodies acting as dictators spending our money (so exclusively that the president has to get prior authorization before visiting these places) They opened up their biological sector in 2014… If they are working on medical advancements why aren’t we seeing them much? Perhaps they are once again working on viruses and BS as their track record has shown. they report to the senior department of defense management, and that’s it

Author: Simon Hopes
Professional Member

Simon Hopes

Member since: Feb 13, 2017
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