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The Biggest Myths About Hair Loss Treatments

Author: National Hair
by National Hair
Posted: Aug 14, 2017

Hair loss is a real problem for hundreds of thousands of Americans, but it’s not necessarily something that you have to just live with. There are plenty of myths about hair loss and the treatments that are available today. Before you buy into them, it’s important to take a step back and consider that some of them might not be based in truth. Below are the most common hair loss treatment myths being perpetuated today.

Myth: There is no way to reverse hair loss; you just have to accept it.

For decades that was the case. Men would suffer hair loss and they just had to deal with it. That’s because medical treatment wasn’t capable of reversing the effects. That’s no longer the case. There are plenty of procedures today that can reverse hair loss for both men and women, and a good hair growth treatment is worth making an investment into if your hair loss is stressing you out.

Myth: Medicine is all that’s needed to reverse hair loss.

While there are some medications that help reverse hair loss, slow it down or improve new hair growth, there isn’t a medication that’s going to reverse hair loss for each patient suffering from the issue. Instead, other procedures are recommended on top of a quality medicine or nutrient routine on top of the procedures. Medicine alone usually doesn’t do the job.

Myth: Doctors know if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant just by looking at your head.

It’s not enough to just see some donor hair on one portion of the scalp to know that a person is a good donor candidate. The doctor should move the scalp around to judge laxity, and should also use a densitometer to determine overall hair density in the donor area before determining if a treatment for hair loss is feasible or not.

Myth: A hair transplant is best when performed on a young person.

In truth, hair transplants are most effective when performed on older individuals. Young people are usually still experiencing an unpredictable level of hair loss and it’s impossible to determine how large the actual donor area is on the head. Older individuals have already gone through that hair loss and are ready for hair growth treatment.

Myth: Laser hair treatment is very painful.

In the early days of laser hair therapy the treatment was a very painful and unpleasant one. Things have come a long way though, and laser therapy isn’t painful any longer and actually causes a minimal level of discomfort.

There are plenty of myths about treatment for hair loss, but it’s important to realize that they are only myths. There are a few reliable ways hair growth treatment solutions can get you the type of results that you are looking for. This often depends on the reason you’ve lost your hair, and treatment works better on some than others. Work with a treatment center today to find out what your options really area, and you can move on from there.

If you are looking for salon services for damaged hair, then visit National Hair Centers (NHC) in Phoenix, Arizona. We offer very effective hair loss solutions that include surgical hair transplants, hair replacement systems, laser hair growth therapy, PRP Follicular Regeneration and hair loss products and vitamins. To find a permanent solution for hair loss, please visit our website.

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Author: National Hair

National Hair

Member since: Aug 14, 2017
Published articles: 1

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