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Why Professional Interior Paint Jobs in Atlanta Are Better

Author: Kevin Smith
by Kevin Smith
Posted: Oct 13, 2017

You remember when your husband started repainting the downstairs bathroom a year ago? He still hasn’t finished, and the old paint is bleeding through the two walls he did paint. You close the door so people can’t see the paint splatter on the floor, and you are tired of nagging at him to finish the job. Interior paint jobs in Atlanta and everywhere else seem simple enough at the start. In fact, many people are excited to do-it-themselves. It will be fun! Two hours into it, it isn’t fun, and much harder than anyone thought. Call in a professional to paint your interior walls. Here’s why.

They Prep Your Home

Painting is messy. There are no two ways about it. Professional painters do more than just drop an old sheet on the floor to catch any dripping paint. They use plastic drop cloths that are large enough to cover more area than needed, and because the floor covering is plastic, you needn’t worry about paint seeping through. They’ll tape the cloths down to keep them in place and use craft paper for added protection. They also cover any furniture nearby to ensure paint gets on nothing but your walls.

They Prep Your Walls

As you stare in dismay at the previous homeowner’s turquoise blue paint seeping through the beige your hubby slapped on the walls, you wonder what could’ve been done to prevent the bleeding. The hardware store said the new paint was high quality, so your husband figured it would cover the old color without a problem. That’s the problem with interior paint jobs in Atlanta, however, many homeowners and "professional" painters fail to prep the walls properly.

When you hire the best painting contractors in town, the workers will clean your interior walls thoroughly and look for any damage or imperfections. If there is severe wall damage, they’ll bring a contractor in to fix it. If the damage is just wear and tear from over the years, they will patch your walls and fill small holes where needed, and then prime the walls to ensure your new paint goes on evenly throughout your home and the color your selected stays true.

These are just some benefits of hiring professionals to paint your home. Experienced contractors can also paint your ceiling, paint different colored accent walls, and refresh the floorboards and windowsills among other tasks. Quit nagging your husband, at least on this. Call professionals with experience handling interior paint jobs in Atlanta to repaint your downstairs bathroom and the rest of the house.

About the Author

Kevin Smith is a writer and an avid reader. He writes about business, marketing, health, pets, or relationships etc.

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Author: Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Member since: Dec 15, 2016
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